Hoverboard: The Best to Buy

The term hoverboard derives from the Back to the Future saga and, more precisely, from that floating skateboard a young Marty McFly ran around the city’s streets. An image so indelible in our minds that today we have tried all ways to reproduce this futuristic vehicle, for example, electric skateboards and hoverboards.
Nowadays, hoverboards are a kind of electric skateboard with a particular shape, but they are driven completely differently. The position is actually different. There are only two large wheels and a lot of technology inside, at a good price. So if you can’t afford a DeLorean, you can always buy a hoverboard!
Table of Contents
Hoverboards: How they work
At first, glance, getting on a hoverboard could be traumatic, but as in all things, once you get the hang of it, it will become a lot of fun! Hoverboards are means of electric locomotion that are very easy to carry and suitable for children, mainly for short trips or walks.
Inside there is a lot of technology (inclination sensors, rotation sensors, pressure sensors, and much more). Still, all this equipment allows you to drive the hoverboards in a very intuitive way. How are they guided? Here is an image that briefly summarizes everything you need to know before getting on this vehicle:
Once you get on the hoverboard turned on, its self-balancing sensors will allow you to remain standing without falling. Once you are familiar with the standing position, you can become familiar with the hoverboard by moving your body.
By moving the center of gravity forward or backward, your hoverboard will go forward or backward, accelerating in proportion to the movement you make. By applying pressure with the right or left foot instead, the hoverboard will perform a rotation to the right or left, allowing you to steer or turn on yourself.
Main technical characteristics
- POWER: The power of a hoverboard is expressed in Watts (W) and gives us information on the speed and maximum range that can reach. A value that can be considered standard is about 350W per wheel.
- AUTONOMY: Perhaps the most important parameter for an electrical device. It tells us roughly how many kilometers we will have before the battery runs out. Usually, the average is about 6 miles.
- MAXIMUM LOAD: An important point is knowing how many kilos your hoverboard can support at most. This parameter is easy to understand if it is a device for children or more for adults.
- ACCESSORIES: Hoverboards have “evolved” by integrating more and more technology and accessories. For example, it could be convenient for you to have LED lights in front, or a built-in Bluetooth speaker, an application to monitor the routes, and so forth!
The most purchased hoverboards of the moment
Before leaving you to our selection below, we want to bring you the best-selling hoverboards on Amazon! Specifically, below you can see a list of the 10 current best sellers on Amazon.
Product prices and availability are subject to change. Any price and availablility information displayed on Amazon at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of any products.